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Vesselin Bontchev

Библиотека: Vesselin Bontchev

FRISK Software International

«Являются ли "хорошие" компьютерные вирусы по-прежнему плохой идеей?»[Краткое содержание] 36.74Kb (0) 6090 hits

Dr. Vesselin Bontchev was born in Varna, Bulgaria. He graduated from the Technical University of Sofia in 1985 with an M.Sc. in computer science (systems programming). He worked for the university's Laboratory for Microprocessors and Microcomputers and for the Institute of Industrial Cybernetics and Robotics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, building expert systems. In 1988, he became interested in computer viruses and began producing freeware anti-virus programs. Two years later he became the Director of the Laboratory of Computer Virology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. From 1991 to 1995 he worked as a research associate at the Virus Test Center, University of Hamburg, Germany, where he wrote his Ph.D. thesis on computer viruses.

Since 1990, Dr. Bontchev has been the Bulgarian representative in IFIP's TC-11 ("Computers & Security"). He is also a founding member of CARO (the Computer Anti-virus Researchers' Organization) and a founding member of VSI (the Virus Security Institute).

Dr. Bontchev currently works for FRISK Software International in Reykjavik, Iceland, where he is involved in the development of the anti-virus package F-PROT and is specialized in macro virus research. Outside the field of computer anti-virus research, his interests include cryptography and number theory - he has been a member of the International PGP development team and is participating in the Great Internet Prime Search project.
